Example \[{{\gamma }_{1}}=\frac{1}{2\pi }\arg ,\] (1.1) Fig. 1. some text \[\int_L dL\] Figure. 2 more text paragraph \[\int_L dL\] 1 \[\int_L dL\] (1.2) paragraph 2 $eq$ (1.2) [1-2] and [2] Fig. 3 description see (Fig.1) for explanation ${{\gamma }_{1}}=\frac{1}{2\pi }\arg ,$ (1.2) References 1. Galin L.A. Contact problems of the theory of elasticity and viscoelasticity.-M.: Nauka, 1980.- 304 p. (In Russian) 2. Shtaerman I.Ya. Contact problem of elasticity theory. - M.-L.: Gostekhteorizdat, 1947 - 270 p. (In Russian)